In today's working world, brainpower is crucial. Finding the right and competent employees is a challenge for many companies. At the heart of each of these video campaigns is a story. A "story" that strengthens the brand as an employer and attracts the right talent. And ultimately also retains them.
The competition for talent in the world of work has become greater in recent years. Employees are specializing more and more. New important occupational fields are developing rapidly in the global competition. Digitalization and automation know no stop. In this environment, it is even more important to position oneself as a dynamic and flexible employer. Employer branding is one solution and has long since ceased to be a foreign word. In many medium to larger SMEs, it is taking on an increasingly important position.
As part of a campaign with the Handelszeitung, Universum is launching a video series together with youstream, which brings the culture and values of an employer closer in the form of an authentic story. The focus is on protagonists who already identify strongly with the company and show why they work there. Meaning and fulfillment play an important role. Universum provides the idea and the storyboard. youstream and its creative production team realize the story and implement it with sensitivity to detail.
It has long been proven that employees work more productively and remain loyal to the company for a long time if the employer consciously addresses the issue of employer branding. Universum is an independent global consulting firm that supports companies in this process through its experience and worldwide studies.
We at youstream are directly on-site for our customers in Switzerland. No matter if you are located in Zurich, Bern, Basel or Lucerne – in us you will find a regional contact person. We will be with you quickly for discussions, filming or other concerns and will look after you personally.
Use our regional know-how of the Swiss market to present your company with a video that also reaches your target group. You can also rely on our local knowledge for effective video marketing.